The ML08A is an eight output certified MILAN to Analog interface,
intended for use in active loudspeakers, system amplifiers,
or rack processors for professional audio or high end home audio.

The ML08A is an eight output certified MILAN to Analog interface, intended for use in
active loudspeakers, system amplifiers, or rack processors for professional audio or high
end home audio. The analog outputs as well as the power supply on ML08A are on one

internal multi-pin connector. The network connector is included, making this a Self-
Contained Module that does not need additional certification. The analog outputs can be

interfaced directly with further analog stages.

The ML08A is available as a certified MILAN Listener and additionally as a general-
purpose AVB interface on reques

• Active Loudspeakers
• PoE Loudspeakers
• System Amplifie
• D/A Converters

• In-Ear Monitoring Systems
• Headphones
• Audio Interfaces
• Conference Systems

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Parameter Value Unit
Network 100 Mbit
Streams 1
Channels Up to 8
Stream format 32 bit AAF
Sample rate 48, 96, 192 kHz
Analog Outputs 8 (balanced) Audio channels
Noise Floor -108 (typ.) dBu(A)
Output level @ 0dB FS 8 dBu
Configuration interface (MILAN) IEEE1722.1 ATDECC
Configurations 1 (8 ch Listener)
Processor 64 bit multimode ALLDSP AM692
Number of processors 1
Sample rate 48, 96 kHz
Power Supply
Supply voltage 3.3 V
Current consumption 300 mA
Temperature 0 to 50 °C
Humidity < 80 %RH

All values, specifications, features, and other statements are for information purposes only and do not constitute a guarantee. Specifications are measured in real-life environments. Due to manufacturing differences, deviations can occur. All information may be changed by ALLDSP without notice.